JavaScript is required for calculator.



Enter performs calculation.

Shift+Enter inserts new line.

Variable _ holds the result of previous calculation.

Mathematical constants: E LN2 LN10 LOG2E LOG10E PI SQRT1_2 SQRT2 DEG

Physical constants: SpeedOfLight PlanckConstant hbar ElectronMass ProtonMass ElementaryCharge FineStructureConstant MagneticConstant ElectricConstant ImpedanceOfVacuum AvogadroConstant BoltzmannConstant MolarGasConstant AtomicMassUnit StefanBoltzmannConstant GravitationalConstant StandardAcceleration

Functions: exp() log() sqrt() pow() sinc() abs() ceil() floor() round() max() min() random()

Trigonometric functions: sin() cos() tan() cot() csc() sec() asin() acos() atan() atan2() acot() acsc() asec()

Hyperbolic functions: sinh() cosh() tanh() coth() csch() sech() asinh() acosh() atanh() acoth() acsch() asech()


Any JavaScript expression can be used. This expression is eval'ed and the result is displayed.
To define a variable:
x = 100
To define a function:
square = function(x) { return x*x }
To format a number using fixed-point notation:
To convert a number into an exponential notation:
sum = 0; for (let i=0; i<=5; i++) sum += i